Saturday, January 15, 2011

On Our Way

We just got home from our CD12 monitoring appointment and there were 3 mature follicles!! I can't remember exactly but I think she said the sizes were 17, 19, 22.

I trigger tonight and the IUI is on Monday morning. I am SO excited! A different doctor did the ultrasound, but she told me there will be a chance of triplets since I have 3 mature follicles and that this chance is a little higher because I am "nice and young" (I am 27). She said she needed to consult with my regular Dr. but that they would call and let me know if we are still on to trigger. A nurse called me just a little while ago and told me to trigger at 10pm tonight.

I can't believe we are on our way! I am so excited right now. I don't know if I should be this excited, but we have never been here before so we are filled with hope.

I meant to ask this but I forgot--I wonder if because there were 3 follies if the chance of a pregnancy (even just a singleton) is increased. I think it would, right?

And the icing on the cake: my body cooperated once again with my work schedule and since Monday is MLK day I won't have work and therefore will not be missing work for my IUI. I am just so extremely grateful that things have gone so smoothly so far and I am going to try to hold onto this hope until there is reason not to. I haven't felt this good about our chances ever.


  1. WOW those are great numbers!!!!! Sending positive vibes your way!!!

  2. wow!!! so exciting!! i love the idea of a relaxing day without having to rush from work to and from the IUI. :)

  3. Best of luck and I'll be sending you tons of baby vibes!!

  4. LOL, it's so funny to be reading these posts post-BFP.

    Having 3 mature follies definitely increases your chance of even a singleton, which I'm sure you've figured out by now. :)
